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论文题目 作者 发表年度 刊物名称
Aqueous partition mechanism of organophosphorus extractants in rare earths extraction Wenrou Su, Ji Chen*, Yu Jing 2016 INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH
Wet air oxidation and kinetics of cerium(III) of rare earth hydroxides Dan Zou, Ji Chen*, Hongmin Cui, Yu Liu, Deqian Li 2014 INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH
Distribution Behaviors of Light Rare Earths by Di-(2-ethylhexyl) 2-Ethylhexyl Phosphonate in Kerosene under the Action of a Self-Salting-Out Effect Zhao, Junmei; Huo, Fang; Pan, Feng; Li, Deqian; Liu, Huizhou 2014 INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH
Graphene-enhanced visible-light photocatalysis of large-sized CdS particles for wastewater treatment Lu, Wei; Chen, Jie; Wu, Yao; Duan, Lianfeng; Yang, Yue; Ge, Xin 2014 NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS
Investigation of layered perovskite NdBa0.5Sr0.25Ca0.25Co2O5+delta as cathode for solid oxide fuel cells Chuangang Yao. Haixia Zhang,刘孝娟,Junling Meng. Xiong Zhang. Fanzhi Meng*,孟健 2018 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
Hot corrosion behaviour of nanostructured zirconia in molten NaVO3 salt Wang, Jinshuang. Junbin Sun. Binglin Zou*. Xin Zhou. Dong, Shujuan. Li, Lifen. Jiang, Jianing. Deng, Longhui. Xueqiang Cao*. 2017 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
Fabrication and oxidation resistant behavior of plasma sprayed Si/Yb2Si2O7/LaMgAl11O19 coating for C-f/SiC composites at 1673 K Wenjuan Fan. Binglin Zou*. Cunyan Fan. Ying Wang. Xiaolong Cai. Tao, Shunyan. Jiaying Xu. Chunjie Wang. Xueqiang Cao*. Ling Zhu*. 2017 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
High-temperature corrosion behavior of zirconia ceramic in molten Na2SO4 + NaVO3 salt mixture Yu Hui, Sumei Zhao, Jiaying Xu, Binglin Zou, Ying Wang, Xiaolong Cai, Ling Zhu, Xueqiang Cao 2016 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
Effects of Eu3+-doping and annealing on structure and fluorescence of zirconia phosphors Y. Hui, B.L. Zou, S.X. Liu, S.M. Zhao, J.Y. Xu, Y. Zhao, X.Z. Fan, L. Zhu, Y. Wang, X.Q. Cao, 2015 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
Role of Hydrothermal parameters on phase purity of orthorhombic LiMnO2 for use as cathode in Li ion battery Keyan Li, Fenfen Shua, Jiawei Zhang, Kunfeng Chen, Dongfeng Xue, Xinwen Guo, Sridhar Komarneni 2015 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
Controllable salt-assisted sonochemical synthesis of NaxLnyFx+3y (Ln=Sm, Eu) nanostructures Ling Zhu*. Cunyan Fan. Wenjuan Fan. Jili Yang. Wenzhi Huang. Julan Zeng. Yuefei Zhang. Xueqiang Cao* 2015 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
An Eu/Tb-codoped inorganic apatite Ca5(PO4)3F luminescent thermometer Linlin Fu. Zuoling Fu*. Yingning Yu. Zhijian Wu. Jung Hyun Jeong* 2015 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
Fabrication and properties of ZrC-ZrB2/Ni cermet coatings on a magnesium alloy by atmospheric plasma spraying of SHS powders Jiaying Xu. Binglin Zou*. Sumei Zhao. Yu Hui. Wenzhi Huang. Xin Zhou. Ying Wang. Xiaolong Cai. Xueqiang Cao* 2014 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of disordered SrBiMTiO6 (M=Fe, Mn, Cr) double perovskites Chuangang Yao. Fanzhi Meng. Xiaojuan Liu*. Lin Han. Junling Meng. Qingshuang Liang. Jian Meng 2014 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
Microwave- or conventional-hydrothermal synthesis of Co-based materials for electrochemical energy storage Kunfeng Chen. Young Dong Noh. Rinkal R. Patel. Wenyan Huang. Jianfeng Ma. Keyan Li. Sridhar Komarneni*. Dongfeng Xue*. 2014 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL