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One-step synthesized immunostimulatory oligonucleotides-functionalized quantum dots for simultaneous enhanced immunogenicity and cell imaging Tao, Y (Tao, Yu); Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yan); Ju, EG (Ju, Enguo); Ren, JS (Ren, Jinsong); Qu, XG (Qu, Xiaogang) 2015 COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES
Assembly of metal-calixarene compounds with a ditetrazole linker: from isolated cluster, coordination chain to coordination cage Xiaofei Zhu, Shentang Wang, Haitao Han, Xinxin Hang, Wenbing Xie,* Wuping Liao,* 2018 CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN
Exploiting Miraculous Atmospheric CO2 Fixation in the Design of Dysprosium Single-Molecule Magnets Haiquan Tian,* Lang Zhao, Jinkui Tang* 2018 CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN
Melilite-Type Oxide SrGdGa3O7: Bulk Crystal Growth and Theoretical Studies upon Both Chemical Bonding Theory of Single Crystal Growth and DFT Methods Yan Wang, Congting Sun, Chaoyang Tu,薛冬峰 2018 CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN
Nanoporous Carbon-Coated Bimetallic Phosphides for Efficient Electrochemical Water Splitting Liu, Yu, Wang, Qishun, Wu, Lanlan, Long, Yan, Li, Jian, Song, Shuyan and Zhang, Hongjie 2018 CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN
pH Controlled Excellent Photocatalytic Activity of a Composite Designed from CuBi-Based Metal Organic Oxide and Graphene Shi, Fa-Nian; Lu, Miao; Bai, Yi-Wen; Liang, Fang; Song, Xiao-Yi; Xu, Ge; Fan, Xiao-Qiang; Yu, Xue-Hua; You, Hong-Peng; Zhao, Zhen 2018 CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN
Hydrogen Bonding Paradigm in the Formation of Crystalline KH2PO4 from Aqueous Solution Congting Sun;Xiaoyan Chen;Dongfeng Xue 2017 CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN
New Dioximes as Bridging Ligands in 3d/4f-Metal Cluster Chemistry: One-Dimensional Chains of Ferromagnetically Coupled {Cu(6)Ln(2)} Clusters Bearing Acenaphthenequinone Dioxime and Exhibiting Magnetocaloric Properties Richardson, Paul. Gagnon, Kevin J.. Teat, Simon J.. Lorusso, Giulia. Evangelisti, Marco. Jinkui Tang*. Stamatatos, Theocharis C.*. 2017 CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN
Hydrogen Bonding Dependent Mesoscale Framework in Crystalline Ln(H20)9(CF3S03)3 Congting Sun;Xiaoyan Chen;Dongfeng Xue 2017 CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN
Molecular Paradigm Dependent Nucleation in Urea Aqueous Solution Xiaoyan Chen;Congting Sun;Sixin Wu;Yingning Yu;Dongfeng Xue 2017 CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN
A Family of Metal-Organic Frameworks with a New Chair-Conformation Resorcin[4]arene-Based Ligand: Selective Luminescent Sensing of Amine and Aldehyde Vapors, and Solvent-Mediated Structural Transformations Hang Zhang. Jin Yang*. Yingying Liu. Shuyan Song*. Jianfang Ma*. 2016 CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN
Calixarene-Based {Ni14} Seesaws: Active Chloride Anions to be Substituted by Isophthalic Acids Xinxin Hang, Shentang Wang, Tianyu Xue*, Xiaofei Zhu, Haitao Han, Wuping Liao* 2016 CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN
Structural Variations of the First Family of Heterometallic Uranyl Carboxyphosphinate Assemblies by Synergy between Carboxyphosphinate and Imidazole Ligands Weiting Yang,Dai Wu, Hong-Rui Tian, Qing-Jiang Pan,* Zhong-Ming Sun* 2016 CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN
Facile Synthesis of Highly Uniform Fe-MIL-88B Particles Xuechao Cai, Jun Lin* and Maolin Pang* 2016 CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN
Significantly Enhancing Grain Growth in Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Absorber Layers by Insetting Sb2S3, CuSbS2, and NaSb5S8 Thin Films Hongling Guo, Yong Cui, Qingwen Tian, Shang Gao, Gang Wang,* and Daocheng Pan* 2015 CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN