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论文题目 作者 发表年度 刊物名称
Theoretical insights on the influence of doped Ni in the early stage of graphene growth during the CH4 dissociation on Ni-Cu(111) surface 何峰,李凯,谢光友,王颖,焦梦改,汤浩,武志坚 2015 APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL
Synthesis of acetophenone from aerobic catalytic oxidation of ethylbenzene over Ti-Zr-Co alloy catalyst: Influence of annealing conditions Liu, Tong; Cheng, Haiyang; Sun, Lianshan; Liang, Fei; Zhang, Chao; Ying, Zhong; Lin, Weiwei; Zhao, Fengyu 2016 APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL
Enhanced Cellular Ablation by Attenuating Hypoxia Status and Reprogramming Tumor-Associated Macrophages via NIR Light-Responsive Upconversion Nanocrystals Ai, Xiangzhao; Hu, Ming; Wang, Zhimin; Lyu, Linna; Zhang, Wenmin; Li, Juan; Yang, Huanghao; Lin, Jun; Xing, Bengang 2018 BIOCONJUGATE CHEMISTRY
Recent Advances of Membrane-Cloaked Nanoplatforms for Biomedical Applications Ai, Xiangzhao; Hu, Ming; Wang, Zhimin; Zhang, Wenmin; Li, Juan; Yang, Huanghao; Lin, Jun; Xing, Bengang 2018 BIOCONJUGATE CHEMISTRY
QM/MD Simulations on Graphene Hydrogenation/Deuteration: CxH/D Formation Mechanism and Isotope Effect Wang Ying,* Qian Hunjun, Wu Zhijian, Stephan Irle 2017 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
Morphology-Tuning-Induced Highly Efficient Regeneration of Pt/C Nanoelectrocatalysts Ruan Mingbo, Jiao Menggai, Song Ping, Wu Zhemin, Wang Yong, Wu Zhijian, Xu Weilin,* Wang Ying,* 2017 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
Theoretical Studies on Ethanol Dissociation on Iron Nano-particles in the Early Stage of SWCNT Growth Wang Ying,* Jiao Menggai, Wu Zhijian,* Stephan Irle 2017 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
Haeckelite and N-Doped Haeckelite as Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction: Theoretical Studies Ying Wang*. Xiaoxu Sun. Feng He. Kai Li. Zhijian Wu*. 2017 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
Novel Strategy for Facile Synthesis of C-Shaped CeO2 Nanotubes with Enhanced Catalytic Properties Nan Lv, Jilin Zhang,* Guangming Li, Xun Wang, and Jiazuan Ni 2017 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
Phase Transformation of Ce3+-Doped MnO2 for Pseudocapacitive Electrode Materials Kunfeng Chen, Wei Pan, Dongfeng Xue 2016 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
Fast and Energy Efficient Synthesis of ZnO@RGO and its Application in Ni-Zn Secondary Battery. Lianshan Sun, Zheng Yi, Jing Lin, Fei Liang, Yaoming Wu, Zhanyi Cao* 2016 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
DFT study on the methane synthesis from syngas on a Cerium-doped Ni(111) surface Li Kai, Yin Cong, Zheng Yi, He Feng, Wang Ying, Jiao Menggai, Tang Hao, Wu Zhijian 2016 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
First-Principles Study on Nitrobenzene-Doped Graphene as a Metal-Free Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction Jiao Menggai, Song Wei, Li Kai, Wang Ying,* Wu Zhijian* 2016 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
Spanning the "Parameter Space" of Chemical Vapor Deposition Graphene Growth with Quantum Chemical Simulations Alister J. Page*, Izaac Mitchell, Hai-Bei Li, Ying Wang, Meng-gai Jiao, Stephan Irle, and Keiji Morokuma* 2016 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
Facile and Low-Cost Sodium-Doping Method for High-Efficiency Cu2ZnSnSe4 Thin Film Solar Cells Yanchun Yang, Xiaojiao Kang, Lijian Huang, Song Wei, and Daocheng Pan* 2015 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C